Jesus says,”GO.”

“The cause of Christ is best served when you allow God to create, measure and control, and you give yourself, by faith, to the task of investing in the lives of others.”


The Reverend Billy Graham when asked what was the most surprising thing in life, responded by saying, “Its’ brevity.” Life is short.

I received an email several months ago that opened with the headline:

Hell is real. Time is short. Jesus says, “Go.”

But do we? Do we enter each day knowing that this day is a gift and that this day is mine to steward appropriately and then “GO?”

It is a day to give and to love and to sacrifice selfishness for what is sacred and pure and lovely. It is an opportunity to find fulfillment in Jesus and ALL He has to offer to us. We speak little of obedience today because we would rather serve ourselves and love ourselves first, but if we press into obedience Oswald Chambers said this:

“If I obey Jesus Christ in the seemingly random circumstances of life, they become pinholes through which I see the face of God.”

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