Street Sweeper

“If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the host of heaven and earth will pause to say, ‘Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.’ ’’

Martin Luther King, Jr.

This past year I had the privilege of being a “street sweeper.” Though my title was different, CEO/ President of Open Doors USA, none-the-less, I was a “streetsweeper.” My position required that I create an environment that allowed others to accomplish great things. It demanded that I sweep everything away that encumbered a talented staff from living out our core values and fulfilling our mission. It required that I clean up any messes that might have arisen so that other’s creative vision would not be curtailed. It necessitated silencing the white noise so that voices would be heard. Being a “street sweeper” involved listening to the voices around me and discerning their wisdom or lack thereof. One was the voice of God and the second was the voice of the Open Doors Board. I heard many times that my time with Open Doors was for “such a time as this.” This was confirmed last January. I am thankful for having had such a wonderful opportunity and having had the privilege of leading such amazing people and for having made some fantastic new friends. Was I a great “street sweeper?” I doubt it, but I know I gave it my best shot and I could only wish that other “street sweepers” could have as much fun.

So what happens now? What does life look like moving forward? Life, with all of its changes and uncertainties will look like it always has for me. I will continue as the Executive Director of The Northwest Network Foundation. I will continue to disciple men and network the lives of both young and old together. I have shared this many times, but my favorite quote is: “Why tiptoe through life, to arrive at death, safely.” It is my aim and my desire to continue to press into its meaning because I believe it is how Jesus lived. I will continue to be engaged with the church in the hard and hostile places of our world. I will continue to venture into the lives of those who suffer and, yet, thrive. I will continue to be a voice and a presence in their lives.

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