Crossing Lines

“Learn to live within the expanse of God,
not the limits of man.”

“From the first time I met Brother Andrew (“God’s Smuggler”), it became clear to me that he was an evangelist at his core. He always believed that every person on earth deserved to have the knowledge of what Jesus Christ had done on the cross to provide eternal life with our heavenly Father in glory. He once told me the story of the time he visited with a group of Apache Indians in America who gave him an Apache name that means, “he who crosses the lines.” He said that those words expressed one of the operating principles of his life, and he believed that those words should define the calling of every Christian.”
Told to me by my friend, Sealy Yeates.

Why do I share this story? It is a reminder to you and to me that today, let’s “cross lines.”

Say “hello” when you are uneasy to do so because you have been called an introvert. Hug someone who you sense is broken and alone when that is very uncomfortable for you. Speak the hard things that are the good things into the life of someone because they need to find hope in the truth. And do the right thing, the Jesus thing, that might result in suffering for you, loss for you, and discord for you because you chose to do things the Jesus way: You Crossed the Line(s).

“Give me Christ and a prison
and I will show you freedom.
Give me the world and all it has to offer and
I will show you captivity.”

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