TO save and give peace

I was recently in a land where freedoms are limited and death, imprisonment, and being ostracized are the norm; especially for those who follow Jesus. But these precious ones are resilient and they are faithful and, in this, they are beautiful. Our friend and point person told us two years ago that he expected to be murdered within five years. He had just buried three pastor friends. But he is committed to furthering the Gospel and his family supports him in this.

The 5 nations where the church is growing the fastest are all under great persecution.

Nations in this part of the world don’t like each other. Where? We are not allowed to say. Authorities are able to tap into communication devices. They are trying to weed out the Christians. I find that odd in a country where followers of Jesus number in the multi-millions. To weed them out would be the largest holocaust the world has ever seen. The current leader plans to eradicate ALL Christians.

When I say these things to people in the west they are a bit taken aback because the places (for the most part) I travel seem to be welcoming. BUT they do not go where we go, see what we see, and hear what we hear. They see the tourist attractions and the face-less crowds. We see the people and the faces in the crowds. We hear their stories and what is actually happening: the shootings, the imprisonments, the beatings, and the burnings. But we hear the stories of enduring faith and a church, though many times invisible, that is powerful.

A university professor told us this: “Although there are sufferings and hardships there is no shrinkage or stagnation. The church is growing: Brokenness into Beauty, Dissolution into Discovery, Suffering into Strength, Tragedy into Triumph. Jesus’ still, small voice is reaching these people. Jesus’ voice screams at those in the west, but His pleas are drowned out by your busy-ness and your distractions.”

“To touch the Body of Christ, is to see the Body of Christ.” Healing is the common theme in this part of the world; in the Muslim world it is dreams and visions. These two stories best encapsulate our time:

“Hated, isolated, and threatened…” Her husband died. No one came, but Christians from another village did. People burned her home to the ground. A new house was built for her, but it, too, was destroyed. They were the only believers in their village. Their vocal testimony contributed to this. In time, she was relocated. She is not allowed to work. Her possessions were stolen. She then began to quietly speak, “What could I say?”she continued, “Jesus is the one who saves me.”

In 2009 she began to follow Jesus. She has two daughters and a son. Before she followed Jesus she was discontent in her marriage and at home (her brother is a Pastor). At first, when she began to follow Jesus, there was more fighting. Her husband has two wives. She is the younger. The other wife had already begun to follow Jesus and she discipled her. She grew. Persecution increased. Her husband’s family gathered to force her to renounce her faith. The pressure was so great that she went into a room and prayed. She walked out and said she would not renounce Jesus. They approached the children with the same proposition: renounce your faith. The children said, “No.” They were forced out of the family. She was left destitute. But God has been faithful and has provided. As we spoke, two of her three children walked in, smiling and full of joy. I asked if she remained friends with the elder wife. “Yes.” she said, “She is standing right there” and pointed to a woman standing behind our interpreter, a woman beaming with joy. She is the one who discipled her. Her brother, the pastor, helped her grow in God’s Word and to love God’s Word. We asked, “How do we Pray for you?” Though they have not seen him in 10 years, the two wives asked that we pray for their husband’s salvation. Isn’t forgiveness beautiful?

As we left this place of mystery and intrigue, the words of one of the believers still touches me: “Do not pray that persecution will cease because it will continue to come, that’s Biblical. Pray that my family and my friends will stand firm. Though we are marginalized, ostracized, segregated, and excommunication, we will not renounce His name. Jesus saves and He gives peace.”

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